Tuesday, April 28, 2015

"Sweet Lorraine" Review - Written by Abraham Phillips

Sweet Lorraine 2015

My Review and Thoughts:

This is a unique and funny comedy drama that makes you laugh in many wonderful ways. I am reviewing the DVD put out by Garden Thieves Pictures. Starring the wonderful, and Academy Award winning actress Tatum O’Neal. Also starring Steven Bauer, Peter Greene, Jimmie Walker and Scott William Winters. The movie is about a New Jersey housewife that wants to help her husband be elected into the deputy’s mayor’s office.

This is a dark comedy and most of all it brings up the many issues about gender and a commentary on that subject. It’s interesting because it mixes the past of personas, the present and also the idea of social reality. This all comes together in creating the plot and subject and defining some of the film. This is directed by Christopher C. Frieri. I think Christopher did a fantastic job in capturing this interesting and unique one of a kind drama, that is weaved with comedy, but most of all spectacular acting. This is Christopher’s first movie since 1994 as director. Not much is known about Christopher, but this is his fourth film, and he did a fantastic job with it.

Tatum’s character of Lorraine has a seedy and not so innocent past. This reality comes back to play a part. Her husband is campaigning for the deputy mayor position, might just be destroyed by her secret past. This is not only an interesting film, it’s a weird film. It mixes some really dark humor and comical actions, that tend to make the film all the more outrageous, and ultimately different. How can you go wrong with J.J. from Good Times, Mr. Jimmy Walker himself, stars in this, just adding the weirdness and comical reality to the film. I do feel, that this is worthy of a watch. I recommend it for fans that get this darker humor. It’s a film that comes together with solid acting by all.

The direction is tight and flows with an ease that the viewer can follow. The dialogue is very humorous at times. Tatum O’Neal is fantastic in the part and comes to life on screen, and is able to hold the part, own it, and create it in a believable fashion. I think the acting by Scott William Winters is the star of the show. Priceless. I have always felt he is an underappreciated actor. His stardom, always shines, and the part of Mayor Ward, in Sweet Lorraine is no different. This also stars another actor that I am a huge fan of, Peter Greene. Peter Greene to me is a defining actor on what it is to be, a great actor. I feel he captures through his performances, memorable moments in film. He plays the character of Marcus in Sweet Lorraine, and as always, is priceless. I have watched Peter Greene most of my life, first seeing him in the amazing independent film, Laws of Gravity in 1992. I knew then that Peter Greene is the very definition of what it is, to be, a masterpiece worthy actor.

I think Sweet Lorraine is a great film. Solid in every way. I laughed and it held my attention.

Review by: Abraham Phillips

My Rating: 4 out of 5

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